How to Live Stream Your Next Event...Like A Boss!

When it comes to video, live broadcasting is a whole nother ball game. Studio techniques are all well and great, but when you are “live” there is so much that can go wrong. To help your event go off without a hitch, here are a few “best practices” that will help you get started in the right direction.


Think Mobile

Mobile access to content is the next big thing. In fact, it’s the big thing right now! Just look at how much bigger the screen sizes of the newest smartphones are – they’re intentionally designed to view media on.


Say it with me, “BAND–WIDTH.”

As mobile viewership continues to grow it will become increasingly more important to stream on a platform that offers a scalable solution that can meet your bandwidth consumption needs as you grow while being able to deliver a consistent and uninterrupted user experience across all platforms and devices.


Crowd Control

Well, not really, but you know how when you’re watching a professional sports game on TV and they intermittently show shots of fans in the crowd? They do that because its engaging for the viewers at home. Nobody watching the game on a screen wants to stare at the same thing the whole time. Lesson here is to engage your fans. Interview, Q&A, shout-outs, etc. are all fair game. Just figure out what your audience wants and cater to them.


It sounds tough, but you can actually be up and streaming on YouTube Live ® in as little as 60 seconds! Live stream your next event like a pro & take your business to the next level by reading the full article on our blog.


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