Driving Email Marketeing with Video

Driving email marketing with video involves much more than including videos in email campaigns on occasion. You must be deliberate in the type of video content that you include, when you include it, and how you draw users in so that they are motivated to click through to the content.

·       Subject lines. Most people receive dozens, if not hundreds, of emails every day. If you can't grab their attention in a matter of seconds, they hit the delete button. 

·       Thumbnails or splash screens. As video files are quite large, it is best practice to embed a thumbnail image in an email that takes subscribers to a video landing page. 

·       Customization. Prospective customers early in the sales cycle are looking for a basic overview of your company and its products and services.

This video by Cvent is a great example of a choice video to included when emailing prospective customer, giving a basic overview of the company. For more information be sure to read the full blog post "Driving Email Marketeing with Video."